



「從我開始服用糖尿病藥物至今已有大約7年的時間,糖尿病一直受到控制,所以我慶幸還沒有併發症。但是三至四個月前,我的血糖無法得到很好的控制,因此,我添加了另一種補充品。在電視健康節目中,我看到一種名為Yeoju的植物能有效降低血糖。因此,我服用了一些,卻沒有效果。然後,我閱讀了有關血糖的更多資訊,偶然發現了 Mannas All,並進行訂購。大約一個月後,空腹血糖及餐後血糖竟然降低了50%或以上。十分優質強效的產品,衷心感謝 Mannas All!」



「當我住院時,我開始服用 Mannas All。我不能做運動,只能將 Mannas All 添加到醫院的食物,出乎意料,我發現血糖水平下降了。」


“I am a woman in my mid 50's. From around August 2020, I started drinking ‘Mannas all’ with water. I started losing weight in March 2021, and achieved a total weight loss of 5 kg by May. In the middle of winter, I started light climbing once a week, so I thought that exercise had a big impact. However, since May, when the heat is getting worse, I have stopped climbing, did not do other exercise, and did not reduce the amount of food I eat, and I got an amazing result of losing 1kg more in one month. These surprising results indicate that continuous intake of ‘Mannas all’ is a major factor in weight loss. This powder product was mixed with water (there was no change in the taste of the water) and consumed within a day, so it was very easy to take. At the beginning of taking it, I was told that it improves the digestive system, but it made the intestines stronger and had a stable effect. I hate exercise, but I received help physically so that I could continue climbing. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to lose weight in a healthy way.”

Jihyun J. (Female, 50s)



“After a few months, I was happy that I had lost a lot of weight, and I was motivated to try harder. Mannas gave me encouragement that I can succeed in weight loss in a fun and manageable way, and see my clothes get smaller and smaller.”

Oh Ig K. (Male, 50s)