Fat & Weight Loss

Choosing the Right Food


And Seanol®

Keep Weight Off

The major reason why we gain weight is because we eat more food than our body needs. Our body only needs as much food as it needs to sustain basic body functions. If more food is eaten than needed, the sugars and fats get stored in the body. Most weight gain comes from storing more and more nutrients. But if they are stored for a long time, they can cause inflammation and stress in cells, disrupting the normal cell activities.

The only way to get rid of the stored fat and sugar is to exercise and burn up the stores. Healthy weight loss can be more effective when combining exercise with Seanol®. Seanol® has been clinically proven to prevent fat build-up, as well as help lower blood sugar levels, inflammation and cell stress.

Obesity is determined by the body mass index (BMI), which shows whether an individual has a healthy weight given the person's height. For most people, BMI correlates with their amount of body fat. Adults with BMI above 25 is considered overweight or obese. Obesity increases the risk of various health conditions such as metabolic diseases, diabetes complications, cancers, respiratory problems, osteoarthritis and gynaecological problems.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

To get a healthy body, the best mindset is to have long-term expectations and focus on building permanent lifestyle changes over time. Real weight loss takes time and persistence, and focusing on the number on the scale can be misleading or discouraging. In fact, most people who go on-and-off on short-term diets that emphasise restrictive eating (e.g. calorie restriction) or fast weight loss, gain back most or all of the weight [1,2,3]. To get the most results from effort, below are some tips for healthy, sustainable weight loss habits.

  1. Start exercising today.
    Start by finding a sport, class or exercise you enjoy doing. Exercising in groups can also help to start building an exercise habit. Whatever exercise you choose, it is important to start exploring and feeling good about what your body can do. Then, you can start to introduce cardio and strength-building exercises, which have been shown to lower body fat and weight.

  2. Be ready to fight appetite changes.
    Many people experience increased appetite after exercising [4]. Try not to eat larger meals than before. And expect to crave sugary, fatty foods. If you give in, you won't be getting any healthier than before. So prepare some good post-workout snacks in advance.

  3. Meals that make you feel full.
    Your daily portions can probably be smaller than what you're eating now. To help eat smaller meals, try some tricks to make you feel full quickly. Eat slowly (some mindful eating techniques can be useful), drink more water, and eat more fibers. Do this especially for dinners, so that you don't snack at night.

  4. Healthier eating habits.
    We know what we should and shouldn't be eating. Start with 1~2 unhealthy foods to start cutting out of your life (e.g. instant noodles, ice-cream, sausages, bacon). And find healthy replacements to curb your cravings, for example:

       Milk chocolate → no-sugar-added dark chocolate.
       Mocha coffee → black coffee
       Chocolate chip cookies → home-made whole wheat oatmeal cookies

    ✗ Trans and saturated fats
    ✓ Whole foods and fibers

  5. Weigh in once a week at the same time.
    Set one time a week (e.g. Mondays at 6pm before dinner) to measure your weight. This can help track your progress more accurately, as weight can fluctuate because of factors outside of your control (e.g. meals, stress, hormones).

  6. Don't go shopping for food when you're hungry.

  7. Don't eat after dinner.

  8. Be mindful of your feelings.
    Your weight may not change dramatically in a short amount of time. Your weight can also be affected by stress, medications, medical conditions and smoking. To keep yourself motivated on the journey to fitness, pay more attention to other positive changes. Do you feel more clear-headed? Energized? More confident?

Seanol® can help with weight loss.

Click here to learn how.



  1. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/emph/eow031

  2. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obr.12255

  3. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/osp4.336

  4. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/obr.12257

Fat in the Body

Fat in the Body

Fat & Diabetes

Fat & Diabetes