
Mannas™ Well

Mannas™ Well is a weight loss companion to suppress fat build-up, relieve invisible fat inflammation in the body, and rescue metabolic health.

Mannas™ Well contains a high concentration of Seanol® in a small bottle, which you can take any time, anywhere. The more you take, the better the effects.

  • Weight Loss & Fat Loss
    Safe weight loss without side-effects

  • Healthy Blood Sugar & Cholesterol Levels
    Long-term stable levels without complications

  • Aids Digestion



  • Add 10 drops of Mannas™ Well to any drink, 3~4 times a day

  • One bottle lasts 2 weeks

  • Seanol® may be taken with medications after consulting with your doctor.

* TIP: Add 5~10 drops to alcoholic drinks to protect your body.

Mannas™ Well is an easy, portable option to take Seanol® whenever and wherever throughout the day.

Mannas™ All is recommended for faster and more effective results, as higher concentrations of Seanol® can be taken.
