Fat and Diabetes

It's not commonly known that insulin resistance and diabetes are not just cased by high blood sugar, but also high body fat levels.

High Blood Sugar + High Body Fat → Insulin Resistance (Diabetes)

For diabetes caused by over-nutrition, managing body fat and weight loss must be a part of managing diabetes.
Maintaining a healthy body fat percentage can promote healthy blood sugar levels and help to prevent insulin resistance or diabetes complications.


Blood Sugar vs. Fat

Having high blood sugar as well as high body fat is particularly dangerous, because fat competes with sugar to be burned up. When we eat more sugar and fat than what our body needs for energy, the carbs get burned first instead of fat [1]. The excess fat gets stored, and causes inflammation and stress to result in insulin resistance and pancreatic damage (click here for details).

Because of the complex relationship between sugar and fat, the negative effects can multiply in a vicious cycle once insulin resistance begins to develop. With time, it gets more and more difficult to control one’s blood sugar levels. This is why body fat and blood sugar levels must be managed as soon as possible.

Learn more about how Seanol® can help with weight loss.



  1. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.ejcn.1600744